A brief History of Just Restore

Lifestyle art by Sabah

Hi there!

My name is Sabah Bardhan and here’s a little something about me, and how JustRestore happened one fine day. I live in beautiful, sunny Dubai, United Arab Emirates and it’s been my home since 2004.

I’m originally from Mumbai, India. I’ve painted ever since I was a 6 year old girl and the first thing I painted was a sunflower. Thereafter, I learned all I know from my father, who is an exceptional artist and my mentor.

I remember painting random objects with my father before art competitions (which I loved participating in), and he would show me how to create shadows, make objects look realistic, showing me proportions and how to compose a painting.

I started painting furniture around my home in mid 2018, because I wanted to try something new, something that would challenge my creativity. Before I knew it, people wanted to buy what I was creating and JustRestore was born.


Satisfied customers & still counting


Designs completed & shipped

I started painting furniture around my home in mid 2018, because I wanted to try something new, something that would challenge my creativity. Before I knew it, people wanted to buy what I was creating and JustRestore was born.

I truly believe that Art is not meant just for the walls and that’s why I love painting furniture! How amazing is it to be able to actually “use” a piece of art, be it on a chest of drawers or a table! Most of my creations involve intricate artwork and bright colours. I find monochrome equally striking. The most rewarding feeling for me is when people trust me with painting on their antiques, which have been handed down generations.

I get most of my inspiration from my travels around the world from when I was a cabin crew for almost 12 years.

I visited small nooks and by lanes and would explore every city I visited inside out. I am fascinated by handicrafts that are unique to different cities and countries. I would soak in all the colours, stunning views, notice lighting at different times, browse through interesting looking menus, foods, traditional costumes, foliage on my walks, the list is endless. I still go back to photographs of my trips from time to time when I want to draw on inspiration.

A few highlights for me so far, which have made me believe more in myself, have been being selected as one of the three finalists worldwide in the Golden Zibra Brush Awards in 2019 for the Best Multicolour category. Next came the dream come true invitation of becoming Annie Sloan’s Painter in Residence (2021), something I aspired to when I started my furniture painting journey.

The cherry on the cake was getting my own studio, after months of working from a room in my home. My studio is a place where I can create and lose myself within the artwork around me. I’m hoping there is a lot more in store for me and I cannot wait to explore it all.


Thank you for joining my up-cycling journey.